During my first year of helping women uncover their style, I quickly realized my style was misaligned. My wardrobe felt like a different person and disconnected from the woman I was becoming. So much has changed in my life - my purpose, career, lifestyle, style preferences, my body. I was staring at my closet and feeling like my clothes represented a time capsule of where I’ve been but not necessarily who I am today and where I’m headed. Can you relate? I spent time and did the work going through The Style Method, my unique process for helping my clients create a wardrobe they feel amazing in. I slowly built a wardrobe that truly reflects and resonates with me now.

The results have been nothing short of a miracle. The way I show up for my day and feel in my clothes allows me to show up for my clients and help them in their personal journey to uncover their style. I’m booking more clients, helping more women transform their own style and wardrobes. 

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When I made the career transition from Corporate to Style Coach, my personal style needed to evolve too.

3 years ago, I made the jump to leave my corporate job and have already helped countless women uncover their style and build wardrobes that reflect who they are today. My client transformations have been so rewarding. Each client’s story is unique but the outcome is consistent.

The results of working together have very little to do with the actual clothes you wear, but more about how you feel IN the clothes you wear.

Discovering your style ultimately reflects how you feel in your clothes. This is why uncovering your style is at the core of my framework and what sets me apart from other personal stylists or shoppers.

I created a system called The Style Method to help women like you build a wardrobe that looks and feels authentic to you. It all starts with uncovering your personal style. 

Right then, I realized that knowing what I like, creating a cohesive wardrobe plan, finding clothes, and styling them in a way that truly reflects who I am doesn’t come easy for everyone! I wanted to help more women feel the same way I do when it comes to getting dressed every day.

“Well, how did you know how to put this whole outfit together??”

Oftentimes, my colleagues would ask me where I bought a specific top or accessory and I would always happily share. Then, I would get questions like “where did you buy that outfit?” which always ended with me rattling off 3-4 different retailers. The final question...

The pros of my new wardrobe? It was so easy to get dressed each day. The cons? I looked like everyone else! While I looked and felt professional, I blended in and didn’t feel like myself.

A few years later, the dress code changed and suits were no longer required. I started to experiment with my wardrobe...still staying professional but feeling more like me. I realized blazers were my wardrobe anchors and shoes were a fun way to bring out my style. I stood out from the sea of outfits that blended in. What I wore became a fun conversation starter at the water cooler or an ice breaker at a networking event. My wardrobe became an important tool for me to visually communicate who I was without saying a word.

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Check out my Pinterest boards to find which style(s) speak to you the most!

pinterest is where i go to for style inspiration!

style inspiration boards

Hi! I’m Sylvie Hart, and I help purpose-driven women, like you, discover your style so that you can visually connect with who you are today and focus on what you do best.  

Do you dream of having a wardrobe that makes it easy to get dressed for your day? And helps you feel amazing in all the GREAT you’ve set out to accomplish in your life?

I did, too! That’s why I set out to help women discover their style and build wardrobes that truly reflect their authentic selves.

Throughout my life, I’ve had a good sense of what I like and don’t like when it comes to my wardrobe.

When I landed my first corporate job, my mom helped me shop and build my first professional wardrobe, which at the time consisted of suits and heels. I bought a navy, gray, and brown pantsuit from Liz Clairborne and matching heels. I bought 4-5 cami underpinnings so I could easily mix and match with each suit. I built a capsule wardrobe before it was a thing!

I believe when your personal style aligns with who you are, you can conquer your day with ease and confidence.


My system is personalized for your success in building your wardrobe. This journey is all about being curious about finding your style and the clothes that make you feel good. It’s not about following the traditional rules and the way you should wear your clothes. I'm not here to dress apples, oranges, and pears...I'm here to empower you to celebrate your unique body and dress for who you are today. I’m willing to bet this experience will go beyond your clothes and you’ll feel a positive ripple effect in more than one area in your life.

I want the best for you.

I’ve been there. I know the feeling of both having my wardrobe work for me and also being completely disconnected from my clothes. I know what it’s like to feel the momentum and positive effect when I wear an outfit that clearly communicates who I am. I want this for you too. 

I walk the talk.

Sometimes, this task can feel like climbing Mt Everest! I make it simple and easy to find your style, build a wardrobe, and cultivate your unique presence through styling tips that work for your unique body.

I make the process easy and fun.

So why choose me as your Style Coach?

I'm Ready for This!

A monthly membership group designed to save you time and money by guiding you on what to buy, where to buy, and how to style what you have. 

Style Access

Yes, Please!

If your post-pandemic style is leaving you uninspired and stressed about what to wear to the office, this package is for you.

Style Refresh

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~~ Susan P. ~~


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Let me help you uncover your style so that you can visually connect with who you are today.

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